Welcome to wind river microbes

At Wind River Microbes, we chose the most stable and purest microbes available for maximum customer benefit.  While there are many competitors offering microbes, ours are grown from specific microorganisms in a clean, highly controlled environment.   Many competitive products are derived from the manure of lactating dairy cows which contributes to a high level of variability, longer GROWING AND purification process and the risk of E. coli contamination.

Why microbes?

Microbes exist in every living organism on earth, with six major types of microbes including fungi, archaea, protozoa, algae and viruses.  Our microbes are the purest and most stable available on the market, providing maximum benefit for numerous uses.   Wind River Microbes develops products that benefit soil, plants, trees, livestock, horses, companion animals, and more.  While some microbes are detrimental to the host, Wind River Microbes only utilizes beneficial types that are 100% natural and not harmful in any way to livestock, horses, companion animals, or humans.

Why wind river microbes?

Benefits to Wind River Microbes

  • ZERO refrigeration required to store SoilCare and BioSoil
  • ZERO NPK’s means both BioSoil and SoilCare can be applied anytime of year, weather permitting.
  • Incredibly stable means extremely long shelf life (do not store in direct sunlight)
  • Contain both Endo and Ecto mycorrhiza
  • Increase the uptake of water and nutrients through the root system
  • Enhance root development
  • More drought tolerant and pathogen resistant 
  • Ability to unlock soil bound nutrients
  • Balances the soil ecosystem

Products offered



For lawn and garden



For trees and woody plants